Flower Painting Tutorials 1.0 APK

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1.0 (Updated)
Release Date
October 27, 2017
Android 2.3 and up
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Flower Painting Tutorials

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Flower Painting Tutorials with acrylic paints is not hard to do, and the end result will be a beautiful picture that can add color and life to any room in a house. There are a number of steps involved with making paintings of flowers with acrylic paints. These are discussed in detail below.

To begin, a painter needs to decide what color he or she would like for the flowers to be. This is the absolute first thing that must be done. Just to illustrate a specific case, the color pink can be chosen. The painter would need to mix white and red on a palate before achieving the shade of pink for the flowers that he or she desires.

After taking care of shading the picture of flowers by the methods discussed previously, the painter will need to add some light to his or her picture. To accomplish this, the painter will need yellow paint. There are two methods of creating light in the picture. The first one is to blend some yellow into the lighter pink parts of the picture. The second one is to dab yellow spots at random over the lighter pink color. What method a person chooses will be based on the style that he or she would like to have for the painting.

For the pollen areas and stems of the flowers, shading and adding light would occur in the same manner as it would for the flowers' petals. A base color, most likely green, would be used. Dark and light variations of the base color would then be added to the painting, as would the yellow light source.

In conclusion, there are a number of steps involved with creating beautiful acrylic flowers paintings. A color or colors needs to be chosen for the flowers; the flowers need to be drawn on a canvas; the flowers' petals have to be painted in; shadow and light effects must be added to the picture; the stems and pollen need to be painted in; and the picture is then completed.

Al Smitty is a writer who loves to discuss many topics ranging from oil Flower Painting Tutorials [http://www.floweroilpainting.org/oil-paintings-flowers/] to American football. Thanks for reading!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Al_Smitty/503125

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4245666

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